Only users with a 'Hiring' account can offer crew jobs. If you wish to hire crew, please create a 'Hiring' account. An approval process is required for all new members that wish to hire crew on TourReady. 

To offer a job to a user on TourReady, please login to your TourReady account and follow these steps:

1. Create a Tour - click here for more information on how to create a tour

2. Browse Crew by using the filter to narrow your search 

3. Select View for the Profile of the crew member you wish to hire

4. Click the Hire button on the top of the crew members profile

5. A pop up window will appear. Select the tour you wish to offer from the drop down option (message optional).

6. Click Send Offer

7. Check Offer Status in My Tours & Jobs by clicking the Tour tab on the top left

8. Select the Tour Name, to view the the Job Offer Status

*Please note, when a job offer is sent, candidates selected are sent notifications via email and TourReady Messaging, notifying them of their recent job offer. They then have the option to accept or respectfully reject the job offer.